Home News - Announcements Speech of President of the Association of Thermal Springs Greece municipalities in Board of Directors on 09.10.2015

Speech of President of the Association of Thermal Springs Greece municipalities in Board of Directors on 09.10.2015

by Super User

Speech of President of the Association of Thermal Springs Greece municipalities in Board of Directors on 09.10.2015

Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

            Firstly, I would like to thank you for your presence today in the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Association of Municipalities with Curative Spring. I would like to share with you some thoughts on the course of the curative springs of our countries during the severe economic crisis.

            Nine months have gone by since my election as President of the Hellenic Association of Municipalities with Curative Spring. Therefore, it is important to make a small review of our course and to present our planned actions for the upcoming months.

            It is a fact that we have to work in a very difficult environment with a lot of political and economic distortions. After five years of severe economic recession that led to the dramatic decrease of the revenue for the operators for the curative springs, it is obvious that in 2015 things will be worse than the year gone by.


Read all of it  here: Speech

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