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Useful Instructions

by Super User


Before entering the baths

It is advisable, before you set off for the curative baths, to be serene, rested, in a good mood, having left problems and worries behind.

The doctor of the baths will counsel you on the treatment and will inform you for any contraindications in case there is a health problem that does not permit the use of the curative baths. If any reaction or sickness occurs during hydrotherapy (baths – inhalations), it must be immediately reported to the doctor of the baths.

Balneotherapy must be done on an empty stomach or after digestion, three hours after the last meal.

During balneotherapy

Immerge your whole body, up to the neck and at the same time do exercises which help relax the muscles, being careful though not to get tired during the bath. The sense of feeling lighter, in combination with water temperature, allows the flow of the movements to the joints, while the hydrostatic pressure facilitates breathing. During balneotherapy, a proper, full of fresh and balanced diet must be followed. A treatment circle includes 10-20 baths and must not exceed the quantity of a bath per day. The temperature of the water must be 32o – 38o C and the duration of the bath must be around 20 minutes. After the end of balneotherapy it is mandatory to rest for approximately half an hour. Many times, during balneotherapy, a paroxysm of the symptoms of your ailment is observed.

After the end of balneotherapy

During balneotherapy and sometimes after its end, you will have to avoid washing yourself, so that the thin layer of the mineral salts that remain on the skin will not be washed away. It takes about 20 minutes for the temperature of the body to return to its normal levels. When you drink hot curative water, you replenish the fluids of your body that were lost during the bath.



  1. Non – redeeming heart diseases, with phenomena of stasis and swelling of the legs – advanced arteriosclerosis especially of the brain vessels. Recent brain hemorrhages, thrombosis of the vessels before the advent of at least six months from the attack.
  2. Coronary failures (angina pectoris, heart attack) with often seizures or grave damages of the myocardium.
  3. Hemorrhages of various organs – severe cases of diabetes with an evident deterioration of the body. Active tuberculosis. Malignant neoplasms. Severe nervous and mental ailments. Pregnancy after the sixth month.
  4. Fever. Infectious or contagious diseases in an active phase.
  5. Severe hypotension. Malignant arterial hypertension.
  6. Balneotherapy is also stopped:
  • When, during the baths, a paroxysm of the chronic ailment occurs
  • During menstruation and
  • When the bather isn’t comfortable during the bath


  1. Lithiasis of the kidneys or the bladder with frequent seizures or haematuria or with bulky stones, nephritis, acute pyelitis or acute cystitis.
  2. Choleolithiasis with frequent colics or big stones, acute choleocystitis, recent stomach or duodenal ulcer.


  1. Acute ailments of the respiratory system.
  1. Kidney, liver and heart failure.
  1. Diabetes mellitus

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