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Curative Natural Resource Ekkara


[item title=”General Facts”]

Ekkara mcurative spring is located west, between the settlement of Ekkara and Gavrakia. In this area, hydrosulphide springs, whose water is used by the inhabitants of the surrounding area for hydrotherapy, gush in four spots. The spring is visited mainly by younger people, not only for therapeutic reasons but also for recreational ones. There are a lot of cultural and folklore traditions in the area. The whole region had a significant presence, both historic and geographic, during the Hellenistic Period, while it is mentioned by Strabo, Xenophon, and others. Every local community has its own unique history to show and with a little patience and having the inhabitants of the small, picturesque communities as guides, every visitor has the chance to discover places full of tradition, ancient ruins, historical memories and churches. The monuments, rich in history and cultural tradition, the beautiful chapels and monasteries, the magnificent natural sceneries, the curative springs, the picturesque taverns are sure to impress the visitors and make them love this special place.

Curative Water

The temperature of the water is between 28- 29o C

Characterisation: Tepid Ca – OH – Na – SO4 – hydrosulphide, hypotonic curative water of the municipality of Domokos.

Therapeutic Indications: Hydrotherapy for ailments of the musculoskeletal system and degenerative arthritis, skin ailments, rheumatisms and autoimmune ailments, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis of the hip and knee, fibromyalgia. Inhalation therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


[item title=”Contact”]


Tel.:22320 23381







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