Kamena Vourla

by Super User


Curative Natural Resource Kamena Vourla


[item title=”General Facts”]

The thermal city of Kamena Vourla, is built on the northwest shore of Maliakos bay, is a rare fascinating sight. The sea on the one hand and the green, full of perennial trees, Thronio and Kallindromo Mountains on the other, compose this special environment. The dry climate, the operation of the thermalistic facilities throughout the year, the supportive service facilities and the serene and alternating environment make the staying pleasant.

Curative Water

There is a great number of hot natural gushes with different physics – chemical character, a feature which broadens the thermalistic treatments. The temperatures in the different natural outlets of the water on the surface ranges from 30o to 42oC.

Characterisation: Superheated Cl- Na- B acidic, hypotonic curative water

Therapeutic Indications: Balneotherapy for ailments of the musculoskeletal and integumentary system.

Health thermalism facilities

There are modern health thermalism facilities. Hydrotherapy centre, hotels, rooms to rent, restaurants and every service that the visitor, who take care of their health, need. Staying is pleasant and the climate is healthy.


[item title=”Contact”]


Tel.: 22353-50000

Website: www.mwlos.gr





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