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Curative Natural Resource Ypati


[item title=”General Facts”]

The spring Ypati is located 19 km away from Lamia, in a green area of the plain of Phthiotis. The curative waters of Ypati have been gushing, most probably, since 427 B.C., after a major earthquake. Rocks can be found deep in the tank of the spring; these rocks are positioned gradually, something that shows that there was a staircase there, so that bathers could descent. The name Aphrodite is written in one of the rocks, meaning that it was devoted to the goddess of beauty. Marble plates have also been found with engraved ancient letters.

Curative Water

The temperature of the water of the spring is 32oC

Characteristics: Tepid Cl-Na- Ca- HCO3– K-HS-CO2 hypotonic slightly radioactive curative water

Therapeutic Indications: Ailments and syndromes of the vessels, arterial hypertension, ailments of the heart and the skin, chronic ailments of the nervous system.

Health thermalism facilities

The hydrotherapy centre has 59 individual tubs and one swimming tank with curative water. The facilities operate throughout the year between 06:00 am and 14:00 pm.


[item title=”Contact”]


Tel.: 2231059526/ 59528/ 59554

Website: www.loutraypatis.gr


Tel.: 22310 35935

Website: www.lamia.gr






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