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Curative Natural Resource Thermia


[item title=”General Facts”]

The curative spring of Thermia Paranestiou of Drama gushes in an alternating environment, clean and healthy, with lush vegetation and excellent climate conditions. The curative spring is at a distance of 25 km north of Paranesti and the old stone hydrotherapy centre testifies the human presence throughout the centuries. The area is ideal for nature lovers, as it offers routes and excursions to nature. Moreover, in Paranesti there is a museum of natural history, which offers its visitors a unique chance to acquaint themselves in many ways with the impressive natural environment of Rodopi and the Nestos valley.

Curative Water

The water that gushes from the spring has a temperature of 54oC

Characterisation: Superheated Νa-ΗCΟ3-Κ-Li-Βr-F- Ca low in carbon, hypotonic, slightly radioactive curative water of the municipality of Paranesti.

Therapeutic Indications: Balneotherapy for the ailments of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, autoimmune diseases, as well as in cases of mild peripheral obstructive vasculopathy. Mineral water drinking therapy for the gastrointestinal and the urinary system. There are no thermalistic facilities. Efforts are being made for the hydrotherapy centre to open.


[item title=”Contact”]


Tel.: 25243-50100







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