Curative Natural Resource Orea Eleni
[item title=”General Facts”]
The baths Orea Eleni are 10 km away from Kortinthos, while the spring with its curative water is located towards the southern part of the ancient port of Korinthos, Kehrees. In the 5th century B.C. the spring was named Reiton, while the name Helen’s Bath seems to have been given after the queen of Sparta Helen, who is believed to have been bathing there. The curative spring is characterised by the great flow of water. It gushes in a beautiful, full of pines, coastal, environment, with healthy climate. Many visitors bathe in the spring and enjoy both the sea and the curative water. Today, there are no thermalistic facilities operating.
Curative Water
The temperature of the water of the spring is 190C, while the springs that gush in the sea have a temperature of 28-29oC.
Characterisation: Cold Cl- Na hypotonic curative water of the municipality of Korinthos
Therapeutic Indications: Rheumatisms
[item title=”Contact”]
Tel.: 27413-61000 / 61040
{gallery}gmapfp/Oraias Elenis{/gallery}